Ron Van Der Pol Artist & Art Educator

Ron Van Der Pol
Artist and Educator
Escondido, CA 92026
BA 1994, Central Washington University​
M.Ed. 2006, Dordt University
I am a passionate art creator and art educator. My mediums of choice are painting, illustration, and graphic design. Most of my artwork focuses on landscape painting and large mural projects.
I believe art is a process of making and interpreting visual reminders of God’s creation. There is a contemplative relationship between the artist and his work, and between humans and art in general. One should not take for granted the ability and opportunity to contemplate what is created, the process of creation, the product of creation and even the message of the creation. I believe Christian artists must be humble in their calling as they have an incredible responsibility to portray, interpret and serve in their Kingdom work. Nothing that I do on my own power as an artist is of any worth. It is a recognition of the Holy Spirit’s work in my creation of art that allows me to portray and symbolize my faith in a way that praises my Lord. “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17).
Work Experience
August 2016 - Present
August 1998 - July 2016
August 1994 - July 1998
Upper School Art Instructor & Visual Storyteller at Calvin Christian School, Escondido, CA
Art & Bible Instructor at Sheboygan County Christian HS (1998-2016)
Art Instructor at Sheboygan Christian School and Oostburg Christian School (2014-2016)
Art, Bible, & Social Studies teacher at Hanford Christian School, Hanford, CA
Semifinalist for the Kohl Teachers Scholarship Award – 2001
University of Wisconsin Sheboygan High School Art Teacher Award – 2005, 2011, 2016
If I Were the Teacher - 2022
What Do Grownups Do All Day? - 2022